Thursday, November 19, 2015

More Buttons

The other day when I was looking for button shoes I of course found the ones that I posted, but I also found button-up shoes.   The kind that need an actual button hook to fasten:

I've always been fascinated by both the shoes and the hook.  I remember my mom showing me a pair somewhere (Grandma's, maybe?) and showing me how the hook worked to fasten the buttons.  It's possible the conversation came about because of my fascination with all things Little House on the Prairie (I've read the entire series roughly 30 times).  It might just be that I was a weird kid with weird fascinations.  How many elementary-aged kids do you know who were obsessed with Gibson Girl brides?  Oh well, I'm probably still weird.  Let's just look at shoes, OK?

Blue!  I would totally wear these now if I could find them.

I really love this style with the higher ankle.  I'd wear these, too.  And red - how fun is that?

Not my favorite.  I think I'd like them better if they were all one color, or the white accents were done a little differently.  The white might actually be stuffing to keep the shoes upright, in which case the lady's stockings would have shown through.  Seems a little risque, don't you think? :-)

Ooooh....these would have worked for a wedding!

I love vintage shoes.  Yes, OK, I love shoes in general.  Shut up.

If you are happy with button shoes and don't want to get any deeper, please feel free to stop reading now because following I'm going to let off a little emotional steam, and you're welcome to opt out.

First, 3 happy things:
  1. Last week we got to watch DJ graduate from Navy Boot Camp!  Soooo very proud of her
  2. Yesterday was Flower's birthday and her giggle always makes me smile
  3. The Nephew lost his first TWO teeth last week!
I'm trying to remember that there are happy things in my life, even when it's crazy-stressful-depressing.  Opening a new business is no joke.  I knew it was going to be hard and stressful, but I didn't realize that it was going to kill my soul one small piece at a time.  Melodramatic?  Of course.  But some days it's how I feel.  If there were some happier work news it would help, but dear God, it just seems like it's one piece of bad news after another.  I'm trying to stay positive, and things have always worked out in the past, but I'm so insanely freaked out at the moment I can't even begin to describe it.  I'm currently suffering from a crying hangover for finally giving in last night and sobbing for awhile.

Because of the stress the hubby hasn't been eating like he should, which means his blood sugar has been out of whack.  He's needy when he's stressful, and uber needy when he's sick, so he's been clingy like a toddler with separation anxiety lately.  I get it, and I try to be patient, but damn, sometimes I want to be the one getting taken care of.  And as a introvert sometimes I just need him to leave me the hell alone.  Then the Lutheran guilt kicks in.

Because of all of this I keep having fantasies about building a pillow fort, climbing in and pretending the world doesn't exist.  If only that would work.  My escapes have been crocheting, reading, and Christmas movies.  I asked on Facebook for book recommendations the other day because I need something to distract me.  Something enjoyable and not too heavy or dark.  I also started watching Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel the 2nd week of November, which I NEVER do. Christmas is AFTER Thanksgiving.  But this year I need the sweet, sappy escapism of movies where everything always works out and Santa or Christmas in general saves the day.  Can Santa please come and make everything work out?  Is that too much to ask?

In the meantime I will go back to my mantra of happy thoughts happy thoughts happy thoughts, as well as the only prayer I can formulate right now which is pleasegodpleasegodpleasegod.

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