Sunday, December 6, 2015

2nd Sunday of Advent

I actually went to church today.  I told a friend this past week that I'm a terrible church shopper:  I want a church that's close because of the lack of gas money, I want one large enough where I can be anonymous, and I want one that's familiar, where I know the service and the hymns.  Well, I got 1.5 out of 3.  The Episcopal church in my neighborhood is close, and the service and hymns are mostly familiar (although there was a different tune to On Jordan's Banks the Baptist Cries than the one I'm used to).  There is no being anonymous there, though.  There were fewer than 50 people at today's service, so a visitor sticks out.  It was a nice service, though, and I didn't cry, which was a plus since I'm having a complicated relationship with my faith right now.  So now it's time for more blue Advent shoes:

I wore red boots to church this mornings, so I wasn't very Adventy, but oh well.  The rest of the day was spent doing exciting things like laundry.  Oh!  And I did decorate a Christmas tree today.  1 of 3.