Sunday, December 13, 2015

3rd Sunday in Advent

The 3rd Sunday in Advent is Joy Sunday, and the candle is pink rather than blue.  I went to church again this morning, but was feeling anything but joyful, and actually started crying during the middle of the service.  It was all the fault of the Prayers for Healing when the congregation was singing:

O Lord hear my prayer.
O  Lord hear my prayer.
When I call, answer me.

O Lord hear my prayer.
O Lord herar my prayer.
Come and listen to me.

I tried to hold it together, but as I mentioned awhile back, prayer and I are having issues right now.  I don't feel listened to or answered, even though I know better than to think that way.  Then after church the pastor introduced me to a retired Lutheran pastor and we had a totally awkward (on my part) conversation.  It was awkward because I was introduced as a Lutheran pastor and the retired guy was talking about the possibility of a Lutheran church being started in this community.  I was awkward because I didn't want to blurt out how I'm not ordained anymore and blah blah blah.  Hopefully I didn't look too manic as I nodded and smiled.

As I was reminded during the liturgy, though, joy is a choice.  So I'm trying to remember all of the things I have that bring me joy even while I'm not feeling it right now.  Also, even though pink isn't my favorite color, it's still a joyful color, so I'm going to look at pink shoes and think joyful thoughts.

These are very proper to me.  Like they should be worn with a pink tweed suit and a very proper hat.  In other words, an outfit I can't really pull off.

I like bright pink better than lighter pinks.  These are very bright and fun and would be awesome for Easter.

Also bright and fun and Easter.  And that is one tall heel.

These are wedding shoes.  Definitely wouldn't be my choice, but they would be fun for a pink lover.

And the bridesmaids could wear these!

Or these.  I do love a wedge.

These are growing on me.  The more I look at them the more I like them.  I really like the button details on the sides.

I found these and had to post them for the PF.  These are definitely full of joy.  I can't look at them without smiling.

Be joyful my friends.  Fake it til you make it if you have to.

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