Sunday, December 27, 2015

More Crochet

I have been informed that my Christmas headbands weren't as lame as I made them out to be. I was just feeling down about Christmas this year since we're having a bit of a rough go and I made presents out of leftover yarn.  I felt kind of cheap and chintzy and cheesy (but I can still rock the alliteration).  On this 3rd day of Christmas I won't be giving you 3 French Hens (why are there so many birds in that song?), but I will be showing you some more random crochet:

This was kind of an experiment.  I was looking at patterns and found these crocheted nesting bowls.  I love things that nest!  I gave them to SKD (and the hubby thought I was absolutely crazy).  She said she was going to force various pets and family members to wear them as hats.  This is why are friends.  I think they are weird and random and fun, and hopefully SKD likes them as much as she seemed to and wasn't just being polite. 

I will also be showing you some red, green, and white shoes to go with the nesting bowl color scheme.

Stripey!  And Mom just sent me a video on how to make shoes like this with fabric and fabric glue (and an xacto knife, which probably seems like a bad idea for someone as klutzy as me).

Stripey ballet flats.  I could wear these for more festive occasions.

No green, but very festive and fun.

This is a little cheesy, but Christmas is the perfect time for cheesy shoes, don't  you think?

Awww...Christmas shoes for the PB.  I'm going to pretend I don't see that the trees are made up of mustaches.

We're at the office today so I'm taking advantage of having internet access.  We're in the process of selling the house, which is why we're at the office so much since we can't be home while the house is being shown.  I haven't been writing about it, and if you comment, I'd rather you comment here rather than Facebook since I don't think I'm ready to make it Facebook official and the blog is a little more private.  Can I just say that I'm not enjoying living in a house that has to be show-ready all the damn time?  And vacuuming every day has not made me appreciate it any more.   This will be move 27 since I started college, and since we're going to rent for awhile and then buy something else, move 28 will be happening before 2016 is over.  At least I made it a little over 3 years in this house, I hadn't been anywhere for more than 3 years since I moved out of the parents' house.

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