Monday, December 21, 2015


As I said on Facebook yesterday, I have become THAT puppy mom:

I ordered these from Amazon last year, but they were too big.  They're still a little big, but I think they are so very stinking cute and I couldn't resist.  I mean, how cute are Mexican puppies in Norwegian sweaters?  Plus, we've been bringing them to the office with us and they always seem to be cold, so I thought we'd try the sweaters.  I don't know who needs therapy more:  Me for dressing them or the puppies for being forced into outfits.  Anyhoo, this picture made me go on a hunt for sweater shoes:

Very wintery and snowflakey.  I approve.

Blue sweater baby shoes!  Yes please.  The PB will take a pair in every size.

These would have been good for yesterday's post.  I should get a pair like this and then I would coordinate with the puppies and they could go caroling with me!

Kind of a boring color, but I like the details.

Sweater slippers!

These are  kind of an od shape, but I really like the pattern.

These look so snuggly and comfy. And they remind me a little of a sweater I once owned.

Also snuggly and comfy!  And I would definitely wear this as a sweater. 

So apparently in my blogging life it's either feast or famine.  Sometimes I have absolutely nothing I want to post about, and other times, like now, I have a whole bunch of posts jostling around in my head trying to get out.  Like yesterday there were 3 things I could/should have posted besides what I actually did, so now I'll be throwing those posts in where they might not make as much sense (does ANYTHING make sense on this blog?  Ever?). Things might get a little jumbled this week is all I'm saying.

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