Saturday, January 9, 2016


The hubby and I are hanging out at Starbucks for a bit this afternoon while strangers wander through our house during our 2nd open house. Fingers crossed someone likes it and makes us an offer! While we wait I thought I'd do a quick post on my phone.  Since I did earrings the other day I thought I'd do bracelets today. 

This is very busy, but kind of cute.

Until I saw it on.  Not so much.  And yes, I know they're slightly different bracelets, but I saw a whole bunch on and didn't care for any of them.

This one is much more to my liking, but that could be because I've had a charm bracelet since highschool. Have I ever shown my charms on the blog?

Purses as well as shoes, but still really cute.

I like these last 2 a lot. They are different and simple and cute.

Now back to my coffee. Please keep those fingers (and toes!) crossed about the house! 

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