Monday, January 4, 2016


I know I've said it before, but it totally cracks me up how many holidays there are on any given day.  For instance, today is not only Dimpled Chad Day and Free Flower Basket Day, but it's also National Spaghetti Day.  I mean, who comes up with this stuff?  I do like spaghetti, though, and my mama makes some yummy spaghetti sauce, which I try to duplicate when I make it.  And OF COURSE there are spaghetti shoes.

Not only do I wonder who comes up with the holidays, but I wonder who comes up with shoes like this?  And why?  Does anyone buy them and wear them?  Again, why?

Spaghetti could arguably be called comfort food. I mean sauce and carbs are comforting sometimes, right?  So even though I did slippers yesterday I'm doing them again today because of the comfort factor.  Is that a random enough segue for you?  And maybe it's because I'm still craving sleep.  I did not sleep well last night and had really weird dreams that I only vaguely remember.  So I'm going with slippers again.  Blue because I like blue, dammit.

Blue plaid slippers!  They don't look as comfy as some of the others, but I like the plaid, and the hard soles.

Fuzzy!  And hard soles again.

I don't see myself in dolphin slippers, but these look cozy.


I had to add some crocheted ones of course.

Heehee.  Tardis slippers.  The hubby could wear these while he watches Dr. Who.

I'm hoping for better sleep tonight, slippers or not.


  1. Please, please, please don't wear or even put in the imaginary closet spaghetti shoes! ME
