Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Happy Epiphany!  The 12 Days of Christmas are now over and today we celebrate the coming of the Magi (or wise men or kings) to the baby Jesus.  Who might have been the toddler Jesus by the time they got there.  So...Epiphany...kings...royalty...purple.  Yep, I'll take my themes however I can make them up:

Sparkly!  Or, if I want to attempt to stretch the Epiphany thing a little further, the sparkles are like the star that the Magi followed.

I don't think I can stretch the theme for everything, so I'm not going to try.  But these are pretty, and I like them.

I'm not terribly fond of the detailing on the toe box, but I love the purple plaid.

Polka dots!

Of course the PB needs some Epiphany shoes.  How sweet are these?

And the hubby can have some Epiphany shoes for his imaginary shoe closet, too.

I hope your Epiphany is lovely, and possibly involves random strangers bringing you gifts.

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