Saturday, January 30, 2016

Hot Chocolate

Facebook very helpfully reminded me that 2 years ago today I got pulled over for the first time in my life.  No ticket, but it definitely freaked me out.  3 years ago today I had sinus surgery.  I'm celebrating the anniversary with a sinus infection, but I'm trying not to complain too much because I now only have a couple a year instead of one a month.  So yay for my ENT with his hammer and chisel!  5 years ago today I was in Florida for a continuing ed event.  The event might have been quite helpful if I hadn't been in a horrible depression at the time.  I think I cried a lot if I remember correctly.

Tonight's shoes are about none of these things, though, because today is also National Hot Chocolate Day!  Yum!  And it turns out that there is something called Hot Chocolate Designs.

How cute are these?  I especially love this last pair with the cherries, but I'll take a pair of each, thanks.  You should go check out the site, they have a ton of different designs.  I'll be taking my lovely sinus infection to bed now, thankyouverymuch.


  1. I think all 7 of the girls should have a pair as well as you! ME

  2. I really like the world map ones. If the are comfy they would be great for traveling. KMc
