Thursday, January 28, 2016


I'm remembering my Auntie BA today on the 3rd anniversary of her death.  She was my dad's oldest sister, and she was a very sweet and kind person.  She loved her nieces and nephews and made sure that we knew it.  Here are 2 of my favorite pictures of her:

Auntie is on the right, and I just think she looks glamorous in this picture.

This is me with her when I was about 6.  I'm sure this picture was taken in the process of me claiming my snuggle spot on her lap.

And look!  A whole bunch of shoes named after her!  These are from a site that mostly features lingerie, and I think these are designed to match.  Frankly, I didn't spend much time on the site once I saw the scantily clad, big busted women.  Who needs the body shaming?  I think the shoes are fun, though, and I will just ignore where they came from.

I miss my auntie and wish I'd gotten to spend more time with her as an adult.  Since I can't, I will remember her and honor memory.

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