Monday, January 18, 2016

Too Late

So, I've made a few changes to the blog.   Blogger had some new background options, so I thought I'd give the books a try.  I know, it's a blog about shoes, not books, so maybe this is weird, but I also love books.  Is it too weird?  I also added the the Follow button off to your right.  If you want to know when I've done a new post, you can click on the follow button, put in your email, and the blog will send the post right to you.  Or maybe I'm being presumptuous that you will want to follow.  Gaaaah, now my blog is weird AND presumptive!

Moving on to what is hopefully neither a weird nor presumptive post.  It's a post about fun ideas that come too late.  The other day a friend posted the following on Facebook:

Dang!  3+ years too late!  The Bean, Flower, and Laughter would have looked sooo cute wearing my shoes with their  flower girl dresses.  Somebody needs to get me a Tardis so I can go back in time and fix this.

A day or so after this was posted the Pinterest Friend sent me a link to this article which contains, among others, the following pictures as possible wedding shoe pictures:

I hate those shoes first off.  But the picture is kind of cute.  I doubt I would do one like it, but it's a fun suggestion.

I suppose I could actually do this picture now since I do still have the shoes and the rings.  Would it be weird to do it 3 years later?  Yes, probably.

I think this is adorable.  And I don't have to be sad about not doing it because I didn't wear tennies and neither did the hubby.  But I do wish I'd gotten a picture of our feet together.  As his shoes were rented, we can not recreate the opportunity.

Who climbs a tree in their wedding dress?  This is crazy.  And I also would totally do it if I thought I could get away with it without ripping my dress, getting it filthy, or falling out of the tree and breaking something.

Again...rented shoes.  BUT, I could always do it with some every day shoes.

This one is my favorite.  I really wish I'd gotten a picture with the bridesmaids and their shoes.  Sadness.

Dangnabbit, people, don't post stuff many years past the time when I need good ideas!  You're supposed to be my friends and help me out in the creativity department.  Please try to anticipate any possible shoe-related picture that might arise in the remainder of my life and send me those ideas in a timely fashion.  Thank you.

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