Saturday, February 20, 2016


Today is Clean Out Your Bookcase Day.  I am not OK with this.  That's maybe a little more melodramatic than it needs to be as I do occasionally go through my bookshelves and donate books, especially if I'm moving.  I just don't want a day dedicated this purpose.  It makes me sad, not celebratory.  But it does give me an excuse to post more book shoes!

I want all of these!  The last 4 are from Zazzle which continues to impress me with the amount of themed tennis shoes they have.  I have no plans to clean off a bookshelf today, but I would gladly fill up a bookshelf with some of these shoes!

Today is also Love Your Pet Day, but I do that every day, so I'm just giving you one picture for each kind of pet we have.

Crochet puppy shoes!  I should make some.

And I love these dragon baby shoes.  So fierce.  The PB definitely needs a pair.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014.

3 Things:
  1. I DO love my pets!  The puppies are so loving and snuggly, and the dragons are rather fascinating, and surprisingly sweet.
  2. I got my eyebrows waxed for the first time since September today.  I found a thing on Facebook with a woman at a new place offering free services for the month of February.  I made an appointment for eyebrows and lip, but she offered to do my whole face (including my nostrils, which doesn't hurt like you'd think, but man it's WEIRD).  Now I have two eyebrows instead of just one and I no longer look like a muppet!
  3. The hubby and I are having a lazy day after a long (but good) week of training and getting to know the new employees.

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