Thursday, February 25, 2016


I'm exhausted.  I'm tempted just to skip posting and go to bed, but I haven't posted for 2 days, and I had wanted to post every day during Lent.  Tuesday and Wednesday were roller coaster days, along with being extremely long days at the office, so I've been tired all week, and those days I didn't have the emotional reserves to form coherent thoughts.  Thankfully for tonight, I have the Pinterest Friend to fall back on.  I mentioned before that I've been doing the Synod's Lent Photo-a-Day on Facebook, and Tuesday's theme was stars.  Not only did the PF provide me with a great picture of Orion (my favorite constellation) to post, but she also went on a search and found me a bunch of fun star shoes.  Sadly I'm 2 days late in posting them, but at least I got to it at some point.  So here they are, with little to no commentary from the loopy, exhausted woman at the keyboard.

I had glow in the dark stars for my ceiling during college.  Now I want these shoes.

Didn't the PF do a good job?  Yay for stars!

Memory Lane:  2013. 2014.

3 Things (times 3 days):
  1. We signed papers for the house on Tuesday.  We are sooooo close to this house actually being sold.
  2. My hubby has mad negotiating/charm skills that managed to correct a problem that could have absolutely ruined this entire week.
  3. Yesterday was the anniversary of my grandfather's death.  I miss him dearly, but so glad I had him as long as I did, and for the memories I have of him.
  4. Today is George Harrison's (of the Beatles) birthday. I'm very happy he made the world better with music.
  5. The BFF's mom had a CT scan on Monday (same day SKD's mom had surgery...I called my mom just to make sure she was OK) and everything came back fine, which is good news.
  6. The PF finds me shoes so I don't have to find them myself when I'm exhausted.
  7. The hubby is lucky (I am not) and won a $50 visa debit card at a marketing event the other day.
  8. I ate chocolate for breakfast this morning.
  9. The property manager at the office is awesome (the hubby says we are long-lost sisters) and she plies me with coffee when I am desperate.

1 comment:

  1. I could see you wearing either the boots or the heels. ME
