Saturday, April 23, 2016


Last night I had a sleepover with Double A, The Bean, Flower, Laughter, Pippi and Tink.  Mom's house was a bit crowded, but it just made it more cozy.  Today they were all on hand so we could do Holidays!  For those of you unfamiliar, this is the day when we do a whole bunch of holidays in one day while I'm home because I miss most of them with the kiddos during the year.  For Easter we dyed eggs and then had an Easter egg hunt in the yard.  Then we did Fourth of July with leftover smoke bombs and snaps that the brother brought over.  Lunch was a Thanksgiving dinner with turkey and stuffing followed  by a birthday celebration for everyone with cupcakes and candles.  After lunch we did Halloween with face paint and Trick-or-Treating at various doors (usually we do this outside, but today it was pouring down rain so we did it inside).  Last we did a St. Patrick's Day treasure hunt to find the gold that the Leprechaun hid.  Hopefully a good time was had by all.  Mom and I were fairly tired afterwards, but I had fun.  Here are the shoes everyone wore today:

The Bean and Double A's matching fleep flops.

Tink's whole outfit was that crazy color combination, plus these fun, colorful shoes that light up.

Laughter.  I think these are adorable.

Flower.  She's siting next to me and says these shoes are oooooold.  But look at her cute polka dot socks!

I love Pippi's colorful laces.

Today was another awesome day with the fam.  Laughter, Flower, The Bean and Double A are staying the night again, so that will be fun.  And slightly less crowded.

Memory Lane:  2013. 2014. 2015.

1 comment:

  1. And tomorrow we entertain another group! ME
