Wednesday, April 6, 2016


I woke up this morning with an elephant on my chest.  It's a small elephant, so that's good, but I would have been happier with no elephant at all.  I think it's just allergies, but I would really like to go to bed.  If I have to have an elephant I may as well snuggle with it while napping!

In other news, today's list of holidays is quite impressive:

I especially like that it's National Day of Hope.  This seems especially appropriate for this week.  Jump Over Things Day cracks me up, and Kids Kick Butts Day concerns me a little.  For shoes, though, I'm going with National Tartan Day.  I'm sure you're not surprised.  There are all kinds of awesome (and crazy, of course) tartan shoes out there, but I've only chosen a few.

I've posted these before, but still love them.

I have several pairs of red shoes, but no red PLAID shoes.  Red plaid Mary Janes, at that.  I think I need a pair.

I might not be a huge fan of these particular bows, but I love the colors.

I wanted a green tartan, and I might actually kind of like this booty?  Has Tartan Day gone to my head?

I had to go look for baby shoes.  The 2nd picture is from a site that will make baby shoes in whatever tartan you choose.  The PB NEEDS McKenzie plaid baby shoes!  I did the conversion from pounds to dollars, and they're something like $36.  Yes, pricey, but the PB is clearly the most spoiled baby who doesn't exist there ever was (or wasn't as the case may be). 

Speaking of McKenzie plaid, I HAD to include my own tartan in this post, even though I've done it before.  The nieces all need a pair of fleep flops, I'm thinking.  I really want a pair of canvas tennies.  Too bad Zazzle is so crazy expensive.  I might be willing to spend $36 on a baby that doesn't exist, but I'm less inclined to spend $100+ on myself.  Maybe someday when I'm rich and famous...

Happy Tartan Day.  More importantly, happy Day of Hope!  Hmmm...maybe I need a Hope Tartan...

Memory Lane: 2013 (yep, that's it.  Apparently April 6 has not been a productive day).


  1. Did you wear one of your McKenzie plaid scarves? I forgot. :-( ME

    1. No, because I didn't realize until I was already at the office. :-(
