Thursday, May 12, 2016

Interns and Flannel and Piggies

My feet hurt.  A lot.  Today the hubby and I attended an end-of-the-year luncheon for mentors.  Our high school intern attends a charter school that requires all students to do an internships on Tuesdays and Thursdays at local business.  There are about 300 students at the school, so that's a lot of  internships and mentors.  And look, I got a certificate!

Yeah, I know you're jealous.  Anyway, I decided I should try to look as nice and professional as possible, so wore heels for the first time in absolutely forever.

The heels aren't even that high in the grand scheme of things, but my feet are so very mad at me, and poor little not broken but still very swollen piggy toe is VERY mad at me.

Can you see how swollen that little pinkie toe is?  Thankfully I brought flats to wear the rest of the day.

Even though they made my feet sad I still really like those gray flannel shoes and decided to go look for more.

I love this.  So very cute.

I kind of like this.  Yes, I know I'm probably weird.

Pretty much what I already have, just with a platform and higher heel.

THESE are the shoes I should have worn today.

This is weird and also maybe kind of cute?


I know gray flannel might not be the most exciting shoe material in the world, but I don't think these shoes are boring.  Tomorrow I'll be back to flats and hopefully my feet will forgive me.

Memory Lane: 2013.

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