Monday, May 9, 2016

Poop in a Group

When I was home I was talking to Laughter and Flower about how I wasn't very organized that day.  I said I "couldn't get my poop in a group" because it was more appropriate than telling a 10 and 5 year old that I couldn't get my $h!t together.  They both gave me looks of equal confusion and horror and then one of them asked, "why would you WANT your poop in a group?!"  I told them it was a silly, rhyming way of saying I wasn't organized, but their reactions made me laugh.

I still can't get my poop in said group.  I've been home for almost a week and I'm still not unpacked.  My desk at work is a mess, although I think I'm fairly on top of most of what I need to be on top of work-wise.  It's just home that's messed up.  I don't know if I'm having trouble adjusting to post-vacation reality or if it's part of a bigger picture of discontentment.  There are so many things I need to do around the house and I don't want to do any of it.  And I feel all blah and discombobulated.  I think I'm starting to have some thoughts about the why of this, but those thoughts, like that poop, will not get and stay in a group.

And now, because I'm discombobulated, you get to look at poop shoes.  You're welcome.

From a distance, these just look like they have a cool pattern on them, and I love the turquoise laces.

Up close, though, we see the happy poo emoji is what makes up said cool pattern.

Turns out there are more shoes than you might think with this particular emoji.  There was quite the range of colors.  I don't want to know who buys these.

Ohdeargod, these are made from actual elephant poop.  Why?  Who designed them?  Who buys them?!  This is NOT the group I want my poop to be in.

I have definitely typed the word poop enough for one day.  Back to work in an attempt to find the top of my desk underneath the (albeit organized and sorted) mountains of paperwork.  Although what I really want to do is go home and take a nap with puppies.  The hubby is home sick today, I want to be home, too!

Memory Lane: 2013. 2015.

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