Sunday, July 17, 2016

A Day of Many Things

Today, as the title suggests, is one of many things. First, it's Sunday and I actually went to church.  A friend of mine is the Priest in Charge at the Episcopal church here that I occasionally go to, and she asked if I would help with Sunday School this year.  So I went to church (it was Youth Sunday where they talked about what they learned in Kids Kamp, and all those little voices in the service made me happy) and then had lunch with the priest and the current Sunday School teacher with whom I'll be working.  I figure it's one way to start to get back and involved in church since I've been doing a crap job of it on my own.

In other news, today is Yellow Pig Day, which apparently is a mathematician's holiday.  Check out the link if you want to know more.  In the meantime here are some yellow pig shoes:

Yellow pigs kind of scare me a little bit.

Pink pigs on yellow shoes are better.

Today is also World Emoji Day.  Although, like Social Media Day, isn't every day kind of emoji day?

I don't necessarily want to wear either pair, but they are fun.  I like the bright colors on the black pair better.

 It's also National Ice Cream Day!  This is definitely a holiday I can get behind.  We had frozen yogurt this afternoon, so that kind of counts as celebrating?

I've posted ice cream shoes before, but I don't think I've posted these?  I'm fairly certain about the pink pair and I'm positive I haven't posted the pair with the chocolate sprinkles.  Because you know me and chocolate.

It's also Peach Ice Cream Day, which seemed odd to me until I realized that National Ice Cream Day is the 3rd Sunday in July and Peach Ice Cream day is actually July 17, so they just happened to coincide this year.

This is what came up when I did the search for peach ice cream shoes.  They're very pretty, but do they remind me of peach ice cream?  Not really.  Too orange.  Which means they are perfect for SKD!

AND, it's National Tattoo Day!  I had no idea there was a holiday.  Now I do.  I should have done something for my 4 tattoos to celebrate.  I wonder what that would be?  Extra lotion?  They're own social media pages?  The perfect way to celebrate would be to get a 5th one, but the hubby might divorce me...

These are both odd, but kind of interesting.  And WAY better than some of the crazy-@$$ pictures of shoes that people have tattooed on themselves. You know I love me some shoes, but it has never once crossed my mind to get a tattoo of them.

Dang, July 17th is a busy day.  Finally, it's Scout's birthday!  Scout, you might remember, is Pippi's and Tink's big sister, and she turned 21 today.  Which makes me old.  Sigh.  Here is a picture of the 2 of us when I was about the same age she is now.

She was beautiful then and she's beautiful now, inside and out.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014.

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