Wednesday, August 3, 2016


So, I've (mostly [sort of]) come to turns with the fact that I am not and never will be perfect.  But does the universe really need to come along and remind me just what a colossal eff up I am?  Today was one of those days, and it sucked.  It got a little better as the day went on, but this morning was not good, I felt terrible, I had major guilt, and sometimes my best doesn't even come close to being good enough.

Tonight I'm moving on and looking at watermelon shoes, because it's National Watermelon Day, even though I did them last year, too.  Besides, I love watermelon, and I don't feel like trying to figure out another theme.

I want to like these, and I'm 80% there, but something falls a little short for me, and I can't put my finger on what it is.

Tie-dye watermelon shoes!  And if they aren't actually tie-dye, I don't want to be disillusioned.

Wow.  And no.  Except, maybe?  They're so wacky they're almost fun.


These are weird.  They're weirder when you realize they are knitted or crocheted coverings over booties.  Who comes up with this stuff?

We all needed a nice palate cleanser to round things out.

Now I wish I had some watermelon.  Why did I buy peaches when I went to the store earlier?!


  1. Watermelon is a better design for a bag for Barbie clothes than for shoes. KMc
