Sunday, October 23, 2016


There is a woman I follow on Twitter who keeps posting pictures of her socks with the hashtag #socktober.  If only I had realized this sooner, I could have participated.  I suppose I still could, starting with these:

I got these a couple of years ago and they still crack me up.  I'm easily amused.  I decided I should go see if there were shoes to go with my socks.

I LOVE that boot.  I want a pair.

I like these, too.

Are these shoes with attached socks?  Separate socks?  No shoes and really weird socks?

Ooooh...the hubby could have a pair, too!

I kind of like the color and I'm kind of creeped out at the same time.

I definitely think the hubby and I need skeleton shoes for next Halloween.  Maybe I can find some for the puppies, too...

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