Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Under Where?

Yesterday as I was looking at Halloween Fuzzy Socks I came across this:

They're cute, and they're Halloween, but they're aren't fuzzy socks, nor do I think I need holiday-themed underpants.  Nor do we need an entire post about underwear.  But, I will continue on with the Socktober theme because A.) I like socks and B.) socks technically go under clothes so it's kind of like doing an underwear post.  Yes.  I know I need therapy.  Shut up and look at socks.

I can't help it, I just love themed socks.

Especially striped themed socks!

I like my socks a little taller on my calf (although these might be kids' socks), but I do appreciate the variety in this set.

I really like this set.

And this set is just swell.  I have nothing bad to say about it.  I've probably been lulled into a sock stupor at this point, though, so don't take my word for it.

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