Thursday, October 27, 2016


Today is not a good day.  On the plus side, it's raining!  Yay!  On the not plus side, I'm being blamed for something that's only partially my fault.  So I'm pissy about the not my fault part, and horribly guilty and depressed for the part that is.  Today's Halloween-themed shoes are werewolves because they are whimsical enough to cheer me up and they also match the growly, grumpy, transformative (ie wishy washy) part of me.

See? These are funny.  They make me smile.

These also make me smile because someone made DIY werewolf shoes.

These are OK, nothing that great really, until... see the bottoms.  They make werewolf footprints!  I would wear them just for that.

These came in this style, in mules, boots, booties, flipflops, and possibly tennis shoes, and they are all a world of no.  I really like my Halloween to more whimsical and less graphic.

Like this.  I would wear these right now and my feet would be snuggly and happy.

Hopefully I will also be snuggly and happy at some point during the day.  Grrr...stupid guilt.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should send your sister some werewolf shoes so she can go chase the owl. ME
