Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Tonight I am grateful for the right to vote, and incredibly grateful and indebted to the people who fought so hard to gain that right.  Politics in our country tend to depress me with their divisiveness and extreme polarities, but I'm still grateful to be able to participate in the process and let my voice be heard.  We've stopped watching election night coverage for awhile because it's too crazy and stressful.  In fact, according to Facebook, most of my friends seem to feel the same way and are either stress eating, drinking, binge watching results, or compulsively refreshing web pages.  On the other hand, Facebook friends have also let me know that the Weather Channel is showing soothing nature images and Animal Planet is running a cute puppy marathon.  You know, in case you need some alternatives to the craziness.  In the meantime, you can take a minute to look at some red, white, and blue shoes in honor today and our right to vote.

I do love a red shoe.  I especially love that lacy detail on the top shoe.

Both of these are lovely styles, but I still find white shoes kind of boring.  Plus, I would get them dirty within 2.4 seconds of putting them on.

You know the blues are my favorite.  I mean, duh.

I hope you exercised your right to vote today.  Tomorrow life goes on, we'll just have a new president-elect and lots of new elected officials and propositions, etc. and we will all move forward into the new reality.

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