Sunday, December 4, 2016


It snowed today!  Unfortunately, it was also in the high 30s most of the day, so it mostly melted and was muddy.  The falling snow was pretty, but the mud was less so.  It's supposed to be much colder tomorrow (low of 3!) so if it snows more it will stick and be pretty.  In the meantime, tonight's shoes are inspired by the gloomy gray clouds that spent the day.

I really like these.  I love the criss-crossy straps.

These are booty adjacent, and yet I like them a lot on.

Very simple, but classy.

More straps!  You know I love Mary Janes.

I wish I could see these from the sides, because the fronts are very interesting.  I might like them.

OK, so you might think gray shoes are kind of boring, but not ALL shoes need to be wild and crazy, and I rather liked this selection.  You don't have to like them, but it's my blog, so I get to choose. 😋😝

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