Tuesday, December 27, 2016


I woke up grumpy this morning.  I had weird dreams and just felt blah.  Then I found out that Carrie Fisher died and I got even grumpier.  It's not like I knew her or anything, but Princess Leia and the Star Wars movies were a huge part of my childhood.  The brother always made me be Princess Leia when we played Star Wars because I'm a girl, and that was OK, because she was awesome, but I REALLY wanted to be Han Solo.  I had a thing for the bad boy even as a child.  As an adult, I can totally appreciate Leia more, though.  She was a badass.  I mean, hello, she strangled Jabba the Hutt with a chain, she freed Han from carbonite, she led the rebellion.  She was awesome.  She's awesome in the new movies, too, and I'm interested (and sad) to see how her death will play out in those movies. You should go here and read about how awesome General Organa truly is (I will warn you in advance: there is language).  It's not just Star Wars that had me loving Carrie Fisher, though.  Have you seen The Blues Brothers?  She's hilarious.  Her character is psychotic, but hilarious.  I also love her in When Harry Met Sally; she had some amazing lines in that movie that I still quote with the Seester.  

I wanted to find Princess Leia shoes for tonight's post, but sadly they were few and far between, and I couldn't find any with just her on them.  Yoda, Darth Vader, C-3PO, R2-D2, BB-8, Darth Maul, random Stormtroopers, all get their own shoe, but Leia?  Nope.  So rude.

Notice how these all have the same picture?  I mean, hooray for her shooting her way off the Death Star, but you couldn't find ANY other picture to put on the shoes?

I'm not a fan of the style, but I like these a little better, at least.

Finally a little variety, but still not enough.  Clearly I need to get Double A and The Bean on shoe duty and paint me some Princess Leia shoes.  I always liked her outfit and hair in Empire Strikes Back when they were on Cloud City:

I will take this on a shoe, please.

In other news, today was also rough, and hence the grumpy, because it was one of those days where my life feels pointless.  I know, I know, my life isn't pointless, but today my brain decided to tell me all of the reasons why I should think it is.  I won't bore you with them, but the brain did make some valid points.  It's not like I'm setting the world on fire or anything.  I'm not even setting the world on ember.  Hell, there's not even any smoke.  I'm taking my grumpy butt to bed and hoping tomorrow is a better day.

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