Thursday, June 29, 2017


On Sunday I went outside to clip the dogs' toenails.  While I was out the hubby joined me and decided we should clean the grill.  30 minutes later and:

Yeah.  I even SAID, I'm going to burn, I should go put on sunscreen.  But did I?  Noooo.  Because I am a dork like that.  The hubby, who isn't as pigmentationally challenged as I am keeps saying, "but you were only out for 30 minutes!  How is it possible to burn that fast?"  Oh, it's possible.  Welcome to the land of Pasty-ville, hubby!

Tonight's shoes are red and white striped in honor of my silliness.

I'll take a pair of each, please and thank you.

Now, let's talk about my less than stellar landlord, OK?  In February we had a storm that blew down part of the fence in the backyard, so we called the landlord.  He told us we needed to go talk to the neighbors so they could share the cost.  It turns out that they were in India for 2 weeks, but we spoke with their 20ish year old son who said he would pass the message on to his parents when he talked to them.  The landlord then started (all in phone calls and emails to us) demanding updates, complaining that they should be able to authorize repairs from India, berating their parenting skills that they didn't raise their kid better, and finally telling us we had to call India and get their authorization.  Um sure, I'll just pick up the phone and call and entire country to find one couple who are just trying to visit their family.  Eventually they came home and we got things sorted out.

In April when the World Traveler was here she said the toilet in the guest bathroom was running.  We turned off the water and called the landlord. The handyman he uses came out and fixed it, so no drama, really, except that now every time we talk to the landlord he reminds us that the toiled cost him $100 to fix.

Last week when it was super hot our ac went on the fritz.  It kind of works, but if it gets over 95 it basically stops and we have to turn it off for several hours and then it will kind of work again.  So we called the landlord.  He told us to call 3 ac people to get quotes.  We got a guy to come out who said that basically it's an old unit and it's also too small for the size of the house.  His recommendation was to replace it.  The landlord informed us that no other tenant has complained about the ac in 20 years and he isn't going to spend the money to replace it.  He told us to buy fans and "go to the mall when it gets really hot."

On Sunday this past weekend our water heater died.  Monday we called the landlord.  He told us to call a plumber (noticing a theme here?) and then proceeded to tell the hubby that he really doesn't have time for this, that we are becoming a nuisance to him and we are giving him a headache.  We had PG&E come out on Tuesday to see if they could light the pilot light, but they couldn't and the guy said he thought it was the thermal coupler.  So we called the handyman again, who came out yesterday to replace the part.  Turns out that wasn't it, that he needed to get parts.  He let us know today that he had to order the parts and the won't be in until Monday or later.  He's also worried because he can't get in touch with the landlord who is currently in Canada and has turned his phone off.  

Really, the man is a peach, don't you think?

On the plus side, when it gets really hot at least I can take a cold shower...

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