Monday, December 31, 2012

In Which I Whine

It's New Year's Eve, and the hubby and I, like many, have resolved to work out more and eat better in 2013.  About a year-and-a-half ago I started being really good about both in an attempt to lower my not-high-but-not-good cholesterol. I lost almost 30 pounds and I lowered my cholesterol more points than I had even hoped for.  And then I got married.  Not that being married is the problem, but driving home to MT for the wedding (road trip food!), being home (comfort food! champagne! wedding cupcakes!), and going on a honeymoon (any food we were in the mood for!) definitely set me back.  Big time.  Then we came home and for a variety of reasons I got really stressed out.  When I am stressed my go-to comfort food is chocolate.  If I could figure out how to main-line it, I would.  Oh, did I mention I also got sick?  I have had some combination of bronchitis and sinus infections since the end of July.  A million doctor's appointments, too many rounds of antibiotics and steroids (bloating, anyone?), more stress, and more chocolate later, and here we are.  Oh right, and the not being able to breathe, the always being tired, blah blah blah, and I had zero desire to work out.
Faithful trail shoes and my friend, Elmer the Elliptical
So what does all of this have to do with shoes?  I need new work out shoes.  I love the ones I have, but they are trail shoes, and they are old.  I had a pair of trail shoes that I loved, so when it was time to get a new pair of tennies several years ago, I just got another pair.  They are comfortable, they don't make my toes fall asleep, and you never know when I might need to go running/hiking on a trail somewhere.  Yeah, OK, that never happens.  I used to hike.  I used to love it.  I now live where it's flat (at least that's my excuse).  But I digress.  I need new shoes.  Shopping trip!  But the thing is, I hate buying new tennies.  They are boring.  They aren't shiny or sparkly or cute in any way.  Do they make light-up shoes for adults?  Also, they are expensive.  Do you know how many pairs of heels I could buy with the same money?  And it's mostly just another excuse to whine about working out.  Happy New Year, folks, and good luck with those pesky resolutions.

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