Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1

Happy 2013!  One of my inspirations for this blog was a Christmas gift.  Our worship and music director at church gave me a shoe-a-day calendar, and I can't wait to see what shoes each new day brings.  I know there will be some fabulous and some completely horrible.  I will try to share a little of both.  In fact, today's is a little of both.  Sparkly!  Bright!  But a little too much, even for me.  Plus, it just makes me bitter as I can't wear sling-backs.  Sigh.  I like to be surprised, so I'm not looking ahead, except at birthdays.  The nieces and I were on Skype the other day and I had to show them all their birthdays, so I've seen a few.  (My birthday is vintage and awesome!)  I would wish you all a Happy Shoe Year, but that would just be silly and over the top...

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