Friday, January 18, 2013


As often happens in community when one has a well-known like of something particular, I get a lot of shoe-related gifts.  I've started a shrine of sorts in my office with all of the presents I have gotten from presents.  Wait, not all.  I've gotten several Christmas ornaments which are now put away in the garage, but many of the gifts live in my office.  This is the most recent:
Yep.  It's a cell phone holder in the shape of a red high heel.  Doesn't my phone look so comfy and stylish in its shoe?  Next we have the shoe table in my office:

The back row contains a bank to save money for shoes, Christmas shoe-themed napkins, and a shoe book that seems to be from the same place as my shoe calendar.  The middle row is 4 different shoe shaped tape dispensers.  The front is the cell phone holder, a pen and notepad holder, a bank in the shape of a shoe, and a doorstop.  Awesome.  Do I need 4 tape dispensers shaped like shoes?  Of course not, but I love the thought behind the gifts.  I appreciate that people see something that reminds them of me and they are kind enough to brighten my day with their thoughtfulness.  Sometimes community can be really hard and frustrating, but sometimes it is just lovely.
If you would like to see shoes on actual feet, check out this slideshow of accessories from the Golden Globes.

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