Saturday, January 19, 2013

No Shoes For Me

Today is a no-shoe kind of day.  It's a hang around the house in sweats and a Beatles t-shirt, rest, read, and maybe do some housework kind of day.  If I actually work up the energy to leave the house, then I will find some shoes.  But for now my bare feet are enjoying being unconfined.  I wish I could say it's just a lazy day, but unfortunately I have a cold now on top of the lingering sinus infection.  I have nothing positive to say about this.  I have been sick for 5 1/2 months and while I've tried to be stoic about it I know I've whined way more than anyone needed to hear.  It's annoying and frustrating for not just me but for those around me, and I know more than one person who thinks I have been faking most of the being sick.  Melodramatic I definitely can be, but please believe me when I say this is not something I would choose to fake.  Hopefully a day of rest will help the cold and the upcoming sinus surgery will help the chronic sinusitis.  What these boots help, though, I'm just not sure...
Yay blue!  I love the color!  Insulated boots are good this time of year; you don't want frostbitten toes.  A zipper?  A pocket maybe?  OK, that might come in handy for a key or some lip balm?  It's the heel that gets me.  I love heels.  But insulated boots make me think snow and ice and snow and ice do not lend themselves to high heel boots, regardless of fashion ideals.

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