Friday, January 25, 2013


I have mentioned before that I am a klutz and not graceful, but sometimes I seem to go through phases that are worse than others.  Especially when I'm stressed.  When I first moved to California for my 2nd call the transition apparently stressed me out.  I can't remember all the injuries I managed to cause myself except for somehow closing the garage door on my right shoulder, and tripping over a crack in the sidewalk and bruising/scraping both my elbow and my knee (I still have scars from both incidents) but my sister and my mom said if I did anything else they were coming here and moving me back home where I would be wrapped in bubble wrap and placed in a padded room.  Aaah, love.
So now it's happening again.  I'm not injuring myself so much (I'm always covered in bruises from running into things regardless of stress) but I seem to be taking my stress out on dishes.  A couple of months ago I broke a pot lid that shattered into a million pieces and then continued to pop like popcorn for a good 5 minutes while I swept it up.  A few weeks later it was the lid to a casserole dish.  And last night a jar fell out of the cupboard and broke one of the salad plates from the hubby's beloved china pattern.  Oy...I'm hoping this phase ends soon, or all of the dishes will have to be wrapped in bubble wrap and placed in a padded room.
What does this have to do with shoes?  Well, nothing.  Although I wasn't wearing any shoes for any of the 3 occurances, and thankfully didn't manage to step on any glass.  But, since this is a shoe blog, here is a picture of the cute shoes I was wearing the day of the sidewalk incident (the shoes didn't make me fall...don't blame the was all me!)

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