Thursday, January 24, 2013

Nieces are Awesome

I recently got a text from my oldest niece with the following picture attached and the message "another one for your collection, Auntie!"
She said she found them at JC Penney and they were something like $6.  This is a girl after my own heart!  I can't believe she will be 16 in 2 months.  How the heck did that happen?!  She is turning into a beautiful young woman.  Who has delightful taste in shoes. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I agree about nieces...and it's weird how they become beautiful young women when just yesterday they were cute little girls...but they do, and even though you think you didn't want that to happen, I've found that the beautiful young woman becomes your best friend in the world! It's SO much fun! I know all of your nieces will turn out to be your best friend in the world..and since you already have many best friends in the will just be one of the most blessed best friends yourself!
