Thursday, January 10, 2013

Fond Memories

When I first saw these my thoughts were negative.  Then I read that the are from the late 80s/early 90s and I realized that I totally would have worn these back then.  The color doesn't show up terribly well here, as they are a lot brighter and more irridescent.  I had a purple and green wool suit that I probably would have paired these with and thought it was fabulous (don't judge...we all lived through our own weird fashion phases).
In fact, I had 2 pairs of shoes very similar to these (this was the closest picture I could find) during the same time period.  I loved the first pair so much I bought a second pair almost exactly the same.  The shoes I had were in these same jewel tones and were also patchwork suede, but they were lace ups and they were AWESOME.  I kind of wish I still had them...

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