Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Calendar Catch-up

I mentioned in a recent post about being sick off and on since August.  Well, it's an on again time.  I have chronic sinusitus, but yesterday in addition to the lovely and constant sinus pressure I also started coughing again.  Hopefully it's just a cold and not another round of bronchitis.  At any rate, I spent most of the day in bed, which means I didn't get to see yesterday's calendar offering.  Dang, maybe the calendar should start traveling with me!  OK, maybe not.  So, here is a catch-up of the last several days.
These are vintage, from the 30's.  I like them.  Not so fond of the braid around the top, but I like the look of them.  They make me feel like if I should wear them in a musical. (some day I will do a post on how I wish my life was a musical...)  They would also be another option to wear with my gold chasuble, which would be awesome.
Conceptually I actually like these.  Don't think I would wear them, but I like the idea.  I love color, and these certainly have that, but eesh.  I've never been a big fan of the bootie style of boots.
A world of no.  They are from the 80's which explains a lot, but yuck to the nth degree.

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