Monday, January 21, 2013


It's Inauguration Day and MLK Day, which means lots of people have the day off.  Mondays are my normal day off, so it's business as usual.  We haven't watched the inauguration, yet, but it's in the DVR for viewing later.  Many people focus more on what the First Lady and the first daughters wore for the day, and while I like to check it out, I think there are many more important things to focus on on days like this.  These women are much more than their (admittedly) adorable coats.  I was a history major in college, so I'm fascinated by the process and the decisions that go into the details of a day like today.  I'm not a political junkie, though, so some of those aspects just annoy me to no end.  The one attire comment I will make (this is, after all, a shoe blog) is that as much as I love heels, I'm still impressed and slightly horrified when I watch Mrs. Obama and Mrs. Biden walk the parade route in heels.  Ouch!
I am once again in my comfy outfit of pants and a Beatles shirt.  This time they are yoga pants instead of sweats, and the shirt is a thermal instead of a t-shirt.  I know you were dying to know this information!  But hey, Mondays are the day I do laundry, go grocery shopping, cook, and whatever else needs to be done for the week or caught up from the week before.  I might get really crazy later and clean the guest bathroom.  Watch out, world, this girl is on fire!  And possibly loopy...  So let's look at some shoes, shall we?
You can probably guess that these are from the 70s.  I actually like the shape (I'm a big fan of an ankle strap), but these definitely belong to a by-gone era.  Which probably means they'll be coming back in about 5 minutes.
Today's shoes are ones I would totally wear.  They would be great for Lent.  If I could reach in and grab these I would.  I did buy a pair of purple shoes for Lent.  They are AWESOME.  But you will just have to wait another couple of weeks to see those...

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