Sunday, January 20, 2013

Only in my Dreams

Generally I plan my outfits for Sunday morning from the feet up.  It's a sign of how icky I've been feeling that last night I couldn't muster up even a little enthusiasm for which shoes I should wear today.  After perusing my collection, though, I settled in these burgundy t-straps.

They aren't the fanciest or highest shoes I own, but I love them because they remind me of dancing shoes in a musical.  Sometimes I like to fantasize that my life is a musical.  There would be fabulous shoes, and I would spontaneously burst into song and perfectly coordinated dance numbers.  Of course, it would be the 50s so I would be wearing crinolines a lot.  Since it is my fantasy, I of course would sing like Rosemary Clooney and dance like Vera Ellen.  (although I can never quite decide if I would want Rosemary's curves or Vera's LEGS)

I can't dance. If you have ever seen my wedding video and the first dance with my husband, you will know this is true. I am a klutz and would probably break something. But when I wear these shoes I can pretend, and sometimes that's enough.


  1. I LOVE those shoes AND of course the Wt Christmas clip is awesome! Um, but I don't think you can qualify as a klutz when you can walk in your heels without falling

  2. I would say Rosemary Clooney all the way. I love watching Vera Ellen dance but can't get over how skinny she was in White Christmas...way to thin.

  3. I agree...and why not just just choose Vera's legs AND Rosemary's curves AND her voice. Since you're might as well have it all!
