Tuesday, January 29, 2013


No pictures or shoes today, just a reflection.  My dad's oldest sister died yesterday.  It wasn't unexpected but it was sooner than expected, if that makes any sense.  She got sick in August, right before my wedding, so she wasn't able to make it.  The hubby and I were able to drive down to see her, thankfully, and we had a nice, if brief visit.  She started chemo shortly after and was actually doing really well for awhile.  She started going downhill again, though, and lost something like 50 lbs in a month.  My dad and one of his other sisters (he has 3, the third lives in Utah) arranged for hospice last week on Thursday.  I'm grateful she didn't linger and is no longer in pain, but I am sad, and my heart hurts.  Not just for me, but for my dad as well, and for all of my family.
I trust in the promises of the resurrection and know that she is now in a better place, but I still grieve her absense.  I will also celebrate her life, and the things that I loved about her:  She was my snuggly auntie.  As a kid I alwasy knew I could cuddle up with her whenever she was around.  She never missed birthdays or Christmas.  She would always start her cards and letters by telling me about the weather. :-)  I think she might have been a bit of a wild child, but I'm not sure.  She was the first person I knew to quit smoking.  I'm sure it was incredibly difficult for her, but I just knew that she quit and she was awesome.  She was strong and independent.  I know she had her flaws.  She was human, after all.  I didn't know her as well as I would have liked.  I hope to hear more stories of her from her siblings as they too remember and celebrate her life.
Rest eternal grant her, O God, and let light perpetual shine upon her.

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