Monday, January 28, 2013

Shoe Books

As you have probably noticed, I like shoes.  (If this is a shock to you, welcome back to the world after your time living under a rock!)  I also love books.  My mom says that when I was a kid she used to have to force me to go outside in the summer because I could easily spend the whole day curled up with a book.  Sometimes I would take my book out onto the front porch and read.  Win-win!  I was thinking of shoes and books and remembering a book I had as a child called Ballet Shoes.  So I went on Amazon to look for it and totally fell down a rabbit hole of shoe books.  I'd forgotten that there was more than one book by that author:
So then I just typed in shoes under the book search option and came up with all of this.  I didn't buy any.  I thought about it.  I have surgery coming up this week and need something to read while I'm recuperating, right?  But, no, I was good.  I didn't buy any.  And I won't.  Really.  Honest.  Will-power...


  1. You have OBVIOUSLY never seen "You've Got Mail"! (Not that I would have expected you to like that movie, but a person never knows for sure.)

  2. Oh, good grief. I commented on the fact that you had not seen "You've Got Mail", totally forgetting that I had something FAR more important to say! I now know why you and I instantly connected. Your mother and mine had the same issue with us and our books. In fact, this was the ONE way in which I ever purposely rebelled against my mother in my whole childhood. She didn't want me going outside to I would hide my book under my clothes and go outside with it; climb the mulberry tree in the back yard and read up there and continue reading for hours...even after she started calling for me. I was so upset that she made me go outside that I actually refused to come when she called. I was never like that about anything else - a real "goody-two-shoes"...hey, shoes! Anyway...we both loved our books, that's for sure - no wonder we hit it off right from the start!

  3. I think I actually own You've Got Mail but haven't watched it in forever. Clearly I need to re-watch!
