Thursday, January 3, 2013

80's, Therapy, and Stripes

This pair says it's from the 80's, which actually explains a lot.  The picture doesn't do full justice to the color and pattern, which is listed as a "feather-print textile."  Did it really need the rolled-up flower detail?
So...I have decided to try and post every day.  I have a shoe-a-day calendar, so at least I won't lack for material (at least until 2014).  I have no idea if anyone cares to read a post a day from me, but I am going to try it as a discipline.  And I know, I said I was going to try not to obsess about it this.  I will try to have a non-obsessive discipline.  Comments like that are why I'm in therapy, aren't they?
Anyhoodle, here is a picture of my own feet.  I don't always wear heels, contrary to what my congregation thinks.  Usually during the week I wear very sensible shoes.  Even when I'm wearing heels I almost always have a back up pair of flats for running around in.  This was the case yesterday.  I was wearing black boots and a dress, but I got tired of the boots and switched to the shoes.  In addition to loving shoes, I also love fun socks, and these were a Christmas gift.  A fashion plate I definitely was not in my red dress, striped socks, and sensible shoes, but my feet were happy, and it was only the staff who had to endure my (ahem) whimsical fashion sense!

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