Friday, January 4, 2013

Some Days Are Like That

I actually like the idea of these.  I like the shape, just not the colors or fabric necessarily.
Today is a rough day.  Yesterday I decided to try to write every day and today I have no inspiration to write about shoes, or much of anything.  Things feel like they are falling apart.  They aren't.  They will get better.  But I am never good at being in the middle of the ick.  I just want to fast forward to the point where things actually get better.  Sometimes I buy shoes when I feel like this.  It sort of helps.  I know it's not going to make anything better or solve anything, but sometimes it's nice to indulge in a little retail therapy to take my mind off of things for a brief time.  No shopping today, though.  Thank goodness for good friends and chocolate.  Or good friends WITH chocolate.  Feel free to come visit and bring that chocolate...

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