Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Today is the birthday of 2 of my favorite people:  My best friend's son is 3, which is crazy, as it seems like yesterday that we were welcoming him to the world.  It's also the birthday of one of my best friends from seminary.  We lived together for a year, she was the presiding pastor at my wedding, and she shares my love of shoes.  In fact, hers are the feet in the picture above wearing the cute turquoise and green shoes.  We have gone shopping together and bought the same pair of shoes on more than one occasion.  And one day I sent her a picture of adorable shoes and she went out and bought the same pair.  I'm pretty sure we have also bought at least one pair of the same shoes without pictures or being together.  Just because we have mind meld.  Because she's awesome like that.  Anyhoo, today is her birthday and she sent me a picture of one of her presents:

It's a business card holder!  How cool is that?  It definitely blows my business card holder out of the water.  Happy Birthday, fellow shoe lover!  Hope your day involves some actual shoes as well!

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