Tuesday, February 5, 2013


The more I look at these the more I love them.  They are from 1968 and my first thought was that they were interesting but that I would never wear them.  Wishy-washiness strikes again because I would totally wear these.  Maybe not for everyday, but for Halloween?  Heck yeah.  I'd wear them with a dress shaped something like this:
Obviously not that pattern, because that would be a bit much, but definitely the shape.  And the hair!  It would be awesome.  And I'm pretty sure I have now talked myself into liking the boots enough to wear even if it weren't Halloween.  The Preschoolers would love them!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it - I can see it exactly, the whole picture...something in blues, of course! And some sparkles, because it would fit, at least with Halloween. And wild, too-heavy eye shadow and a cute matching headband! SO late 60s and it would look great on you - for Halloween, anyway. The boots - you could wear them anytime.
