Friday, February 15, 2013


I woke up on the wrong side of everything today because I am gruuuumpy.   It's not really any one thing, just a million little things that seem to be combining to make me pissy.  The phrase, "just put on your big girl pants and deal with it," occurred to me which then got me to thinking I need some shoes for days when I am grumpy.  So I googled grumpy shoes and came up with some really weird results.  But this was my favorite:
It's not the best angle, but they have Grumpy from Snow White on them.  I think I need a pair.  I could wear them on days like this and give everyone fair warning that I am out of sorts.  Discombobulated.  Just plain pissy.  Hope your day doesn't involve a pair of grumpy shoes!


  1. Let me know where you found them, sounds like a great birthday present! me

  2. I actually think they are children's shoes. :-)

  3. They really are perfect for grumpy days, though...partly because they would HAVE to make you a little less grumpy, I think.
