Saturday, February 16, 2013


The hubby and I had an outing to Amador County today.  We've been feeling a little cooped up lately...OK, to be honest, he's been feeling cooped up.  As an introvert I have no problem staying home, watching movies, reading books, crocheting, wandering around the internet, etc.  But as a raging extrovert to my extreme introvert, that kind of stuff makes him a little crazy.  And grumpy.  So off we went, and it was a lovely day.  The weather was in the 60s (which is great and all, but it's FEBRUARY and my body still thinks it should be somewhere around 25 degrees), we wandered around antique shops, went to an old general store that has been preserved as a museum (the original owner's great granddaughter was there and had lots of great stories), and went to a Cheese Shoppe that had some amazing cheeses.  My favorite store was one that had a lot of vintage clothing and shoes.  I could have poked around in there for a lot longer.  I only took one picture, though, as I didn't want to seem rude.
After wandering for awhile we took our newly purchased cheese and crackers, found a pretty little pond and had a picnic.
Notice my sensible wandering around shoes.  While this picture shows my shoes, it doesn't do the cute pond justice, so here are a couple that give a better idea.

All in all, not a bad day.  Considering my grumpies yesterday and the hubby's grumpies this morning it's probably a good thing we got out and enjoyed a day together rather than smothering the other with a pillow.  Or, you know, saying something really mean.  Not that we would ever do either of those things, of course.  Because we're newlyweds.  And I'm a pastor.  And we are both always on our very best behavior.  Still not buying it?  Yeah, OK...go back and look at the pretty pond...maybe eat some cheese...


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