Friday, February 1, 2013


I'm not much of a pink person.  Any shade of blue and I'm your girl.  I don't hate pink, but it's not my favorite.  But then this popped up for the first day of February on the calendar:
They are more of a hot pink than they show here, and I love the shape.  They are from the 80s, they are pink, they are kind of an odd shape, and yet I squeed a little when I saw them this morning.  (of course, I'm on pain pills at the moment, so maybe that's it?)

In other pink news, I recently purchased these:
I love me some fuzzy socks, and I own way too many pairs already, but the other day I was gone and had forgotten warm socks.  So I went shopping.  All they had were Valentine socks, so I ended up with pink, but I really like the cute owl and the Mary Jane strap.  They even have grippers on the bottom, so despite the pink-ness, I'd say my $4.99 was well spent.
Pink isn't awful, it's just not my absolute favorite.  If you love pink, I have no problem with you.  Well, unless you are over-the-top excessive on the pink, and then I will probably roll my eyes.  But I once got accused of having an all blue wardrobe, so I have no room to talk.

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