Saturday, February 2, 2013

Socks, Ice Cream, Thoughts

I have awesome friends who totally enable my love of footwear.  Yesterday I received these as a get well gift from a friend who came to visit:

I mentioned recently that I didn't have any Valentine's socks anymore and voila!  She brought me these and 2 other pairs.  Did I mention that I have awesome friends?
In other news, I was exploring Pinterest last night (holy time-suck, Batman!) and came across this:
Actually, there isn't always room for more ice cream in my world.  I do like ice cream, but it can make my tummy extremely unhappy.  On the other hand, shoes never make my tummy upset, nor do they don't make me fat.  In fact, it makes me think of a quote I read recently that said, "And yet, even hideous shoes are entertaining, and that is because shoes are the best. They rarely make you feel like your body is too fat/too thin/too square/too round/too pointy/whatever it is that you worry about with your figure. They are just pretty, or delightfully CRAZY, or amusingly HIDEOUS, and as much as I hate the GIRLZ LUV SHOES!!!!!!!! stereotype, because I also enjoy sports and books about serial killers, I must admit that I DO luv shoes."  You can see the entire post here.  This is part of why I love shoes.  They make me happy without making me worry that my butt is too big.

1 comment:

  1. The one thing shoes might do make you feel bad about your body is that you can no longer wear the really beautiful, really cool, really sexy, or really NEW, fashionable shoes...after arthritis makes it impossible, even when you've got new knees or something. I keep hoping to ease into them...but so far, even shorter heels are excruciating. It's not the's because I haven't worn them in SO long that it's really, REALLY hard to get used to them again. I plan to persevere...but I'm not stickin' to the plan very well. :-(
