Sunday, February 10, 2013

Shoes, of Course, and a Little Pep Talk

I decided on turquoise shoes for church this morning.  I may still be recovering from surgery, but that doesn't mean I can't wear cute shoes.  (Although it does, apparently, mean that I can't make it through the first service without losing my voice.  Sigh...)

I find it difficult to take self portraits of my feet.  The angle is always weird, and I'm not a creative photographer.  I probably should have found a full length mirror and tried that approach, because I'm not terribly fond of how my legs and ankles look in this picture.  Love the shoes, though.  I tried to show that they have a silver heel, which I both love and sometimes worry looks a little stripper-ish.  Which makes me wonder, does that negate the alb and collar or do the alb and collar then balance out the stripper heel?  But back to my disliking my lower extremities.  At first I wasn't going to use this picture.  I thought about taking one of just the shoes, without my feet, but then I know what?  To hell with that.  They're my ankles and I am going to work on loving them no matter how fat I think they look or how swollen or how pasty white I am.  That's my pep talk to myself this morning.  It might be the drugs talking, and I might not actually listen to myself, but hey, it's a step.  What are the things about yourself that hold you back from liking pictures of you?

1 comment:

  1. Not going to go there. Don't even think about trying to get me to.
