Monday, February 11, 2013

To Peep or not to Peep

You know what I don't understand?  OK, there are probably 8 kajillion things in the world that I don't understand, but for the purposes of this entry, I will keep it to one:  I don't understand peep-toe boots.  They baffle me. 

Why is this necessary?  Of course, awhile back, my mom (Hi, Mom!) said to me, "What's up with all of the peep toe shoes you have?  I thought you hated peep toes?"  She's right.  I DID  hate peep toes. But then I started seeing them everywhere and it seemed like every time I went shopping all I found were peep toes.  Finally I caved and bought a pair.  They weren't bad.  So I bought another pair, and then another.  Now I would say a third to half of my collection consists of peep toes.  Wishy-washy strikes again!  It's like capris.  Hated them with a fiery passion for about 2 years.  Then they didn't go away so I finally gave in.  Now they are basically all I wear to work in the summer.  I should probably worry about my lack of decisiveness.

Today's shoes are peep toes.  I like them.  I would wear them.  I may or may not paint my toe nails before I wore them because I am crazy (ahem, lazy) like that.

Now in 5 years if I'm running around in peep toe boots I'm trusting you all to slap me.


  1. I'm sure, well hope, that the peep toe boots will go away therefore there will be no slapping necessary :)

  2. Oh I will, I will. Unless the peep toe boot is for an injury & then I'll just sympathize.

  3. Peep toe shoes...totally fine. Peep toe boots...stupid. Hopefully no slapping needed, because people will realize how stupid and they will go away. Oh, I just remembered a photo I saw in a power point I got yesterday - if I can figure out how to get it, I HAVE to send it to you! It fits this subject well! I am very far behind on the blog...kind of got off track, but I'm catching up today.
