Monday, February 25, 2013

Shopping Trip

The hubby decided it was time for new work-out shoes.  I'm not sure why...he's only had the ones he's been wearing for 15+ years (silly boy).  So we went shopping tonight, and I totally take back my earlier comment that tennis shoes are boring.  These are men's shoes, but holy color, Batman!

We went to a couple of different places and he found a pair that he liked and were in the price range he was looking for.  As in everything else, we have basically opposite taste in shoes.  I went for color, he went for basic white, black, or gray.  He did get a pair with some red on them, so maybe we're making some progress.  I also ended up getting a pair of shoes because they were on a lovely sale.
Frankly I would have preferred more blue and less pink, but I actually think these are really fun, and they are amazingly comfortable.  I'm actually (sort of) looking forward to trying them out.  Now, don't get me wrong, I would still rather shop for heels or flats or other kinds of shoes, but workout shoes turned out to be way more fun than I expected.  Yay!

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