Sunday, February 24, 2013

Weekend Retreat

I spent the weekend at an Elementary retreat with the hubby and 4 of our 3-5 graders from church.  We spent a great couple of days together hiking, playing, singing, learning about God's kingdom, and giggling a lot.  It was a sensible tennies kind of weekend (closed toed shoes were a requirement).
The kiddos were really great.  They were good travelers, good campers, and they all had a good time.  The hubby was a trooper considering he has never been to camp and I kind of roped him into being my male chaperon.  I was a little worried he might be so traumatized that he just filed for divorce when we got home.  Which would have sucked since today is the 6 month anniversary of our getting married and the 2 1/2 anniversary of our first date.  Holy buckets, we've been together for 2 1/2 years!
I think every high school female counselor was wearing Uggs with their pants tucked into them this weekend.  I imagine they're very comfy, but I've never gotten into the Ugg craze.  They tend to be less than flattering on a lot of people due to their shortness.  I don't need to look stumpier than I already am.  I don't begrudge anyone their shoe choice, we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.  And on peep toe boots.

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